Fellowship’s 7 Distinctives
- To be a church where ministry forms follow Spiritual function first and foremost, and therefore, not tradition or form-driven first and Spiritual function second. In other words, we strive to have a Spiritual purpose in everything we seek to do and say 2 Cor 13:8.
- To be passionately committed to both the Spirit of God and his inspired truth or Words, the Scriptures or Spiritual words Eph 5:17ff.
- To see every believer grow in Christ-like, Spiritual maturity Rom 12:1-2
- To be both real & relevant, & neither boring nor hypocritical 1 Cor 5:8.
- To be graciously hospitable to our guests. Rom 12:13.
- To be deeply committed to each other Rom 12:3-8.
- To resolve our differences in a Christ-like manner Col 3:12-15.