
Our Outreach approach at Fellowship is as broad as the spectrum of life.

Since the goal at Fellowship is to create an environment that encourages Spiritual growth and ministry, the ultimate goal is for every believer to use their Spiritual gifts and talents for the purpose they were created for…in the end that is to bring glory and joy to God.

With that in mind, many of Fellowship’s members have not only gone on to serve God in full or part-time ministry, but many strive to outreach right here in our community with start up ministries at Fellowship or partnering within the area’s various ministries, including…

Our outreach encompasses:

  • Partnering with national youth leadership organizations such at CRU 
  • Partnering with national biblical societies such as Gideons International
  • Partnering with local Right to Life organizations such as Options Pregnancy Center
  • Partnering with single Mom’s ministries such as Caring People
  • Partnering with Local Outreach services such as Loaves and Fishes
  • Partnering with educational outreach such as Lunch Buddies
  • Partnering with community organizations of the arts such as Taneycomo Festival Orchestra
  • Visitation of local nursing homes
  • The Giving Tree – A Minsitry to Help Specific Needy Families During Holidays

and more……

When You Give to the Least...

What can be more valuable than to reach the future generation of disciples. Vacation Bible School is one of the ways we like to extend our hands to show the love of Jesus to the children in the Branson area. 

Reach Out to the needs

Scripture reminds us to be sure to reach out to the needy, unfortunate, widows, etc.  Some of Taney counties biggest hurdles is with young, single Moms struggling with life. We like to partner with local ministries to do just that.

Loves Knows No Age

Across the generations, needs vary widely. Caring for those who have blazed the Spiritual trail before us stays on our heart. Several in our church have taken up the torch to be a light to the greatest generation.

It Is More Blessed to Give...

While we do engage in outward ministries to the needs of the community, we don’t forget the high priority, first and foremost, to look to the needs of our own. Every Christmas we try to gather our resources to help via our “Giving Tree” ministry for special needs during the holiday season.

“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19 (NIV)

Serving Abroad

For the last several years a team of adults and youth have partnered with a local missions ministry traveling to Kenya Africa to serve a school specially started for young girls and the community that surrounds the area.

Supporting the Arts

Taneycomo Festival Orchestra comes to Branson each summer to promote the fine art of orchestra music and the talent of the music students involved. Fellowship has, for many years, been able to play host for many of these concerts.

Serving in our Community

Our community reaches out to the homeless during the quiet season of cold weather and layoffs by providing meals. Fellowship gives a hand in helping these efforts.

National Youth Leadership

For over 25 years we have partnered with Campus Crusade for Christ each year to host their summer missions program. At Fellowship we “adopt” these students into our Spiritual family, learning and growing from one another.